Search results

  1. KnifeFightHandy

    Maine Canceling Delica Registration

    If this is true there should be a Delica Owner's of North America Meetup in Maine. And, you know caravan to the capitol and fancy points of interest... Hand out flyers and such. I've only ever been met with kindness and affection from anyone who as said anything about my van and I could only...
  2. KnifeFightHandy

    Bit by a L300 4 years ago!

    I saw a teal and grey L300 four years ago in Tenney Park, Madison Wisconsin. After several years of saving we finally took the leap and adopted this white '92 Delica L300, with too many options to mention. Her name is Moon Unit. She came from NomadicVan.Life in Ketchum, ID. The guys there were...