Curious about tinting my windows


I'm curious if anyone has tinted their own windows.

It's looks like the rear windows might be easy enough to remove and take inside the house to do away from dust (except the rear door).

Is this a horrible idea?
I'm curious if anyone has tinted their own windows.

It's looks like the rear windows might be easy enough to remove and take inside the house to do away from dust (except the rear door).

Is this a horrible idea?
I did the rear side windows just as you describe. I wouldn't say it's a horrible idea; but it's not a great idea. Plan on ruining at least one application; and for them to not turn out quite perfect. Mine came out pretty good, but I would expect better if I was paying someone to do it.
I attempted the tailgate as well, and I failed... didn't have enough tint left to try again.