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Forum Administrator
Staff member

I started this forum to serve as our communal hub; the best, most modern resource for our archaic Jap jobs. The best part is that there are no rules. Well there are some. We are building the foundation as we go along. It's not a crochety-ass old forum template. I bought the good s$%t. That being said, I don't know everything. I could use an opinion here and there. As the user base climbs now past 200, I wonder if it's organized to everyone's liking. Can it be better? Well tell me now, Mr. Knowitall!

Seriously, if you have an opinion or a suggestion, delicately place an email in my inbox. I love suggestions.

A few things I've been thinking of over the past few weeks:
  1. A suggestions thread. I understand you asking for e-mails, but open dialogue seems to offer a communal aspect with more people contributing or building on ideas.
  2. A map of Delica-Friendly shops around the country. Since this is the only US focused area for Delica owners, it seems like it should really be the place to go. It could be as simple as a list organized by state, or an embedded custom Google Map where users can submit shops and notes. It would be great to know that if I'm in the middle of nowhere, I can pull this up and know where to go who will know what the hell this thing is. I live in Portland and there are two places I've been told to go to, I want to ensure that knowledge can be shared.
  3. As a subset of that, what does the Resources area do? It feels like a map should be placed there, but I have no idea how it works, or what the expectations are. Some guidelines or documentation would be helpful
  4. A few more forum areas. I think it's unreasonable to expect each region of the country to have their own area for discussion, this forum simply isn't that big and will quickly turn into a ghost town. But a few more may be helpful to spur conversion
    1. Off-topic, hard to mod, but may allow for casual conversations
    2. Found Delicas for sale. This was suggested in on of the existing sale areas by another user. But I think it's a great idea. I've seen a few really clean examples pop up for private sale here, and having them shown might be helpful to prospective buyers.
    3. On that note, places to buy parts that aren't maintenance. It took me a while, but eventually I figured out that you can get a high end steering wheel hub adapter simply through Amazon! I'd been digging forever trying to find out and there it was. Links that share these types of things that will take the leg-work out of hours of searching would be super helpful.
Anyway, a few quick thoughts. I'm sure there will be some other good ones that come along.
Agree with @natematos on all points. In regard to your #2: I'd love to see this here, too. There is one on www.delicausa.com right now, so at least a sticky w/ link in the resources area. I've answered "Hey is there a Delica mechanic near Seattle about four thousand times."

Agree with #4, too. I think we could drill down more specifically than regions though, too. "West Coasters" is a little broad. Washington and Oregon could easily have their own subsections apart from each other, let alone apart from California, which is a unique beast. There's some #delicasnorthwest (and other) things that apply to one state and not the other. I'd be happy to help moderate that if necessary.

Some additions:

1. A thorough NEW USERS READ ME post, stickied to the top of the ***Check Here First*** section. Something that includes answers to basic questions like "Where an I buy a lift kit" and "How can I turn my Delica into a race car?" and "Where can I buy a roof rack?" and "Which Delica window tastes best to lick?" and "How can I find my insurance company's phone number?" as well as links to part number threads and other useful areas that people might not search for.

2. It's not a bad idea to start dividing things into L300 and L400. They're coming sooner than later. Can leave the L400 section empty if necessary for now.

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As this forum grows (nearly doubled in size since I signed up). Wanted to know what the moderation plan looks like. It seems like there are more and more spam posts showing up with a current count of 10 active threads from 2 different users right now. Would be great to get some more people signed up to help you clean this stuff up.
Agree with @natematos - started to see some spam today, and there's a lot of duplicate posting going on, etc. I'd be happy to help moderate, even if just the "West Coast" section.
Good morning guys. The forum growth has taken my by surprise. It has become almost overwhelming to deal with the constant backend updates, content moderation, bandwith issues, new member sign in issues, etc. Thank you for offering to help; I will be reaching out to you shortly and I will be requesting moderation assistance! Thank you all.

Not to start a Gasser vs Diesel debate, but maybe a section for gassers as the tech forum is great, but if there was a thread in there for the gas motor it would get lost with so many other threads. I understand there are and will probably be way less gassers on this forum, but having one place to go for help would make it easier for the person asking for help and the person helping. Just a thought.
Good morning guys. The forum growth has taken my by surprise. It has become almost overwhelming to deal with the constant backend updates, content moderation, bandwith issues, new member sign in issues, etc. Thank you for offering to help; I will be reaching out to you shortly and I will be requesting moderation assistance! Thank you all.


I’m not surprised. I mod the /r/Delica subreddit and since taking over in April we’ve quadrupled in size.

It bums me out to hear about bandwidth issues, and I know you’ve had the shirts up for sale to pay for server space etc. but have you thought about other merch? Stickers, patches, etc. And a dedicated store URL may be helpful.
I’m not surprised. I mod the /r/Delica subreddit and since taking over in April we’ve quadrupled in size.

It bums me out to hear about bandwidth issues, and I know you’ve had the shirts up for sale to pay for server space etc. but have you thought about other merch? Stickers, patches, etc. And a dedicated store URL may be helpful.

It's just growing pains is all. It's a great problem to have! I would like to expand the merchandise product line. If you know any good outlets let me know!

first, thanks for hosting this forum. I wanted to throw my hat in the ring for moderation and technical support duties. In real life I'm a software engineer, familiar enough with the workings of the internets to be dangerous, so feel free to call on me if the need arises. I do a ton of technical customer support for my company and have developed skin thick enough to deal with even the most needy customers.

Fabian (aka Krazykraut)