Full set of L300 Delica dealer workshop manuals 1987-1998

Thanks that's fantastic.
I'll go back to the original manuals and see if I can find the missing pages.
Could have just been the feed scanner dragged through two at a time.
There thousands of sheets in various ring binders which I did in a number of batches over a week so no surprise I muddled some!
Hi Scott,

Any chance you could zip them into one file. I can download and put a copy in my folder which appears to be linked to from half the planet looking at the traffic!

Still haven't dug out the originals for the missing pages - somewhere in the loft of the garage following a house move last year. Will go digging at the weekend (and will get distracted and start fitting some spares i've had laying around no doubt... ;-) )
Hi Scott,

Any chance you could zip them into one file. I can download and put a copy in my folder which appears to be linked to from half the planet looking at the traffic!

Still haven't dug out the originals for the missing pages - somewhere in the loft of the garage following a house move last year. Will go digging at the weekend (and will get distracted and start fitting some spares i've had laying around no doubt... ;-) )

Zipped and uploaded here. http://www.nogas.org/Updated_Delica_Manuals/Archive.zip

My current personal document project is to go through my copy of these file and remove all pages that don't pertain to MY Delica. Then print @ 600+DPI, 4 pages per page, double-sided, laminated, spiral binding, and then store it in my emergency box. That way if I'm driving, I will ALWAYS have a copy to see, even if it's really tiny... :)
Yes. I want to make sure that assumption is correct. Also, I am finding small discrepancies (wire colors, etc). Would there be a different series for JDM vehicles? Since most of ours come from the home market auctions, I’m wondering if “Europe” and “general export” might occasionally show small deviations from JDM. Thoughts?
I posted these on the UK MDOCUK forum quite some time ago:

These are PDF scans i did of a full set of original Mitsubishi dealer workshop manuals for L300s with supplements covering years 1987 - 1998 or thereabouts.

There are 42 sections and a few thousand pages all fully named and indexed. There is also a ZIP file containing all the files.

Happy reading
Thank you very much
I posted these on the UK MDOCUK forum quite some time ago:

These are PDF scans i did of a full set of original Mitsubishi dealer workshop manuals for L300s with supplements covering years 1987 - 1998 or thereabouts.

There are 42 sections and a few thousand pages all fully named and indexed. There is also a ZIP file containing all the files.

Happy reading

these are great, but they are just images embedded in a PDF file. I did run them through OCR to make them searchable, so you can find anything quickly. If you reach out to me, I'll give you the searchable PDFs to upload. They look the same, but have indexing embedded.

- Fabian (aka Krazykraut)
Hey could you share the indexed ones with me? Email is shenanigear@gmail.com. Thanks! My specific model is the JB 470 1995 which if I'm not mistaken is built on the L300 base.
Actually, it's built on the Delica L300 Truck base which has quite a lot of differences. Not sure how much good the Delica L300 StarWagon manuals will do you; but I have a copy of the searchable ones here.
Thanks @sk66 for keeping those around. Whatever happened to keeping them in the Resources section? We have the scanned but not OCR'd versions there, maybe @Growlerbearnz can add them. It's really nice being able to search through all the PDFs.
Thanks @sk66 for keeping those around. Whatever happened to keeping them in the Resources section? We have the scanned but not OCR'd versions there, maybe @Growlerbearnz can add them. It's really nice being able to search through all the PDFs.
They should be accessible to anyone... I thought they were the same ones in the resource section; but I had them before ever joining the forum. I didn't realize how messy I let that folder get; so I spent a bit of time last night cleaning it up (naming/etc).

I may be wrong then. The description on the Resources says:
"Base 1988 workshop manual, plus supplements up to 1998. Scanned but not OCRd or indexed."
I had teamed up with Roger @PinkPig and ran the raw PDFs through my OCR/indexer and then uploaded them to a Google Drive folder. See earlier in this thread. Not sure what happened since then, I've been Delica-less and out of the country for a while.

- Fabian (aka Krazykraut)