'92 Exceed - Portland, OR - $14,750

Cole Wilson

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Cole, please attach photos of the underneath to keep this thread active!
Hi all,

unfortunately my partner and I are separating we have no choice but to sell our beloved van. Just put about $6k worth of work into it, no more known issues, and it's in really great shape. Purchased this van directly from Kellyn in 2018, priced high to accommodate offers, will discount it for forum folks.

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Is your VAN still available?
I am a student and looking to buy a VAN to live in / not the dormatory 385 628 9822
Still available! Feel free to text/call

I'm not sure what it will cost to ship, I'm not familiar with that option. Ideally looking to sell to someone in person vs. negotiate from afar, but happy to do whatever if you put in the legwork.
Ice got a quote on its shipment out. But would like some more pictures of the head gaskets, mating of the manual mantsmission and engine. and maybe the upholderstry/. Ill call you tomorrow. The shipping company is ready to go just need to tell them where to pick up the van. Trying to get this done by the end up the week.