Countdown Timer


New Member
So I discovered a little box sitting on top of the steering wheel that says "countdown timer". When I turn it on I can enter minutes and seconds which then delays turning off the vehicle for that amount of time. Anybody know how this might be useful?
Are you running veggie oil or did it at one time? If you are it's beneficial to switch over to regular diesel for a time before shutting off to prevent cold start issues... I'm not aware of a stock delay timer in a Delica.
That is definitely a turbo timer. You should never turn off a hot vehicle that has an oil cooled turbo. If your van is hot like you are driving up a mountain pass and you want to pull over and take a picture, you ant just turn it off. The oil that is lubing and cooling your turbo will be stuck in the turbo and will over heat. This can damage bearings and pump all that bad oil through you engine.
There are a lot of controversy on the pluses and minuses of turbo timers.
Has anyone considered that it might be a bomb? Has anyone seen the movie SPEED with Keanu Reeves?!

Well said Desertbob; A turbo timer is certainly handy to have if you are forgetful and the vehicle needs some cool down time.