Crankshaft pulley bolt removal with a manual transmission


Well-Known Member
It's timing belt change time! I've seen the 2x4 strapped to a breaker bar and bump the starter method which I personally find too much excitement for my fragile nervous system :p so I was wondering if, with my manual transmission in first gear, the parking brake on, and the wheels chocked, would that be enough resistance to loosen the crank shaft bolt with either a breaker bar or even risk using an electric impact wrench? What is the risk? (turning the crank shaft the wrong way and reeking havoc internally, I suppose...:eek:) Is there a good way to jam the crank shaft pully so it won't turn without damaging it?
Not sure about a manual, on an automatic there is an inspection cover at the bottom of the bell housing which allows for the insertion of an Allen wrench between the teeth of the wheel and housing, swap sides between bolt loosening and tightening.
Not sure about a manual, on an automatic there is an inspection cover at the bottom of the bell housing which allows for the insertion of an Allen wrench between the teeth of the wheel and housing, swap sides between bolt loosening and tightening.
Yep, just jam the starter ring. On a manual it's part of the flywheel, on an auto it's part of the flex plate... otherwise it's the same thing.