Experience Getting New Keys Made?


New Member
My 1992 L300 came with two keys, one that works in the door locks and the ignition, and a spare that only works in the door locks. Both keys are extremely worn down and feel as if they’re going to snap when I use them in the door locks. Because of this, I am very careful when I put them in the locks and turn them.

I tried to get new copies made at my local hardware store but they don’t carry the right key template size and when they tried to use something they had that was similar, the copy wouldn’t work in my locks or ignition. Not sure what to do to get new copies that actually work. Any suggestions?

Have any of you run into this issue and found a solution? Should I go to a Mitsubishi dealer?
I bought my 1993 L300 with just ONE key.

You need to buy the key template. I found it on ebay and bought two.

This one says 94-97 but a quick search could find you a 92 template.

I made two copies at a local hardware store and they only opened the doors (or so I thought) but one day I tried them again and the turn the van on. So maybe just take them to make copies at a good place that makes quality stuff. I now use a specialized lock store that makes copies just to be safe.
I had similar experience as quique, I bought these ebay keys and had them cut at local key smith but they only opened the doors. Then the shop owner cut me a set that looked like the ones quique shared above and they worked perfectly.

These are the ones I purchased from ebay.
My 1990 Delica Exceed only came with one very worn key as well. Like others here, I found a matching blank on eBay, then researched locksmiths in the area and took it to the mostly highly reviewed folks (who used two different machines to do it, one for finishing)? New one (pictured) starts the van and opens all the doors perfectly! Only wish I’d bought a second blank.
