Looking for west coast Delica service


Hello everybody,

Can anybody recommend a good, experienced, Delica L300 repair shop on the west coast? I’m trying to avoid someone learning to work on an Delica at my expense. It is currently at Nomadic in Idaho, but realistically, if I leave it there, I won’t see it until the beginning of the year. Any suggestions are appreciated!

Thanks, Bill
Have you looked at the Delica map? It's extremely useful for finding shops and other van owners with reviews so you can see who's doing what quality work.
Thanks for the reply. Not much luck with the list. I’ve contacted shops that tell me that they no longer work on the Delicas. I’ve got my L300 at one of the highly recommended shops, and have lost confidence in their ability to handle the work. I’m looking for alternatives, or I’ll just park it. I drove it in, and I’m spending a lot to tow it out. Not the solution I was aiming for, sadly.
what needs to be fixed, if you don’t mind me asking? Having had garages work on my van in the past and waiting for parts being shipped, ‘beginning of the year’ doesn’t seem like too long a wait to have a problem solved by a garage. There’s a pretty competent guy in Bozeman that did my A/C but I would imagine a similar wait.
West coast is a bit broad. Anywhere specific? P&K automotive in SF is my go-to for the last 5+ years. Amazing family run spot that has a lot of Delica experience. You need to supply everything to them, except basics like oil.