Pop out side window screens?


Active Member
Has anyone put together a way to add a screen to the pop out side windows? Getting tired of sweating in the van because I can't open the windows.
I had a great big screen with magnets in the hem that went all around the windows, and was baggy enough that you could open them. I found that even with the windows open there wasn't really enough airflow with the screen in place, and if it got cold at night the screen would catch the condensation and let it drip inside. It wasn't ideal. In the end I replaced the front windows with sliders. (And then switched back to leaf windows when we bought the caravan).
Thanks I figured that was the case. I'm going to give the magnet/large screen trick a go. See if I can get a screen that allows for better airflow.
I have pull over door window screens for the front windows... basically just fine mesh fabric sacks. I also have a magnetic closing sliding door screen for the tailgate opening which is held in place with velcro.